Thursday, January 26, 2012

A holiday is supposed to be restful!

I'm back!!

As the dates of my past few posts show: it's been a while since I've done this.

Life got quite hectic towards the end of the year. My grandmother died in mid-October. Two days later I was in the hospital (it was a planned procedure, but nonetheless). November: One of my mom's best friends who I considered a second mom passed. Also, I was trying to pack [almost] everything, plan a campus retreat, and then go on the retreat. The day after the retreat, I flew back to the States for the first time in a year!! Was in Boston for a week, Miami for four, Madrid for a day - and now I am back in Johannesburg. Looking for a job. (whew!)

I was really shooting for starting posts again AND revealing my blog's new makeover (kind of like a grand re-opening); but alas, that has not happened. The redesigning is taking so much more time than I expected. So I figured I must at least start posting again - it'll all come together soon. :) For now, here are a few pictures of my holidays. The holidays feel so long ago already! How were yours? What did you do?

Visited some of my most dearest friends in Boston.

Christmas Day with the fam and bf. :)

Saved my bf from dinosaurs.

Became a ballerina. (my dream come true!) 

Spent the most wonderful day in Spain with bf. :)
(Spain will get its own post - don't fret.)

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